Round The Clock & Co

Round the Clock & Co now operates three unique venues, each with its own distinct character and audience:

Mugshot – A hot stone steak restaurant.

The Library – A private cocktail bar.

Asian BBQ & Hotpot – An Asian BBQ and hotpot restaurant.

For each venue, I’ve designed a website that not only focuses on UI & UX but also tells the unique story of the venue.

To streamline their marketing efforts, I’ve implemented Airship, a powerful CRM platform. In conjunction with Airship, I’ve also implemented Fydelia, a tool that works seamlessly with Airship to track proof of presence.

To enhance customer engagement, I’ve integrated Toggle, a platform that sends active birthday vouchers that can be saved into a user’s smartphone wallet via automated emails from Airship.

Through these tools, I’ve created extensive data segmentation, even down to what users order at their table. This data-driven approach allows for highly targeted email campaigns and interactive games and questions when accessing the venue’s Wi-Fi, encouraging sign-ups and enhancing customer engagement.

The benefits of having such a wealth of data are immense. It allows for highly personalised marketing, which significantly improves customer engagement and loyalty. For instance, when someone books at Mugshot, they receive an automated email from The Library inviting them to book pre or post drinks. This cross-promotion not only increases bookings but also enhances the customer experience by offering them a seamless dining and entertainment journey.

Furthermore, the growth of the subscriber list has been exponential, thanks to the interactive games and questions that users encounter when accessing the Wi-Fi. This not only encourages sign-ups but also provides valuable data that can be used to further refine marketing strategies and improve customer service.

The automation around restaurant booking has also been a game-changer. It not only streamlines the booking process but also frees up staff time, allowing them to focus on providing exceptional customer service.

In essence, the combination of these digital tools and strategies has transformed Round the Clock & Co’s marketing approach, leading to increased customer engagement, improved customer service, and ultimately, business growth.

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