Housing Hand

Case Study: Housing Hand


When Housing Hand first approached us, they were facing significant challenges with their customer relationship management (CRM) system. They were spending thousands on a custom CRM that wasn’t delivering the results they needed. Their data was scattered and unorganised, making it difficult to track customer interactions and measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Moreover, their website was not optimised for conversion, leading to missed opportunities and lower than desired sales.


Our first step was to design an entirely new customer-driven experience to increase the conversion rate of their applicants. We chose WordPress for the website due to its flexibility and ease of use. For the CRM, we implemented HubSpot, a powerful tool known for its ability to streamline business operations and improve customer engagement.

We didn’t stop at just implementing new tools; we also introduced new business practices and processes. Using HubSpot, we transformed the day-to-day operations of the business, making it more efficient and customer-centric.

To address the issue of scattered data, we introduced ‘Power BI’, a business analytics tool that provides interactive visualisations and business intelligence capabilities. This allowed Housing Hand to have a clear view of their data, enabling them to make informed decisions.

After successfully growing the business over several years, we embarked on the next phase of redesigning and building a new scalable experience inside HubSpot using HubSpot CMS. This ensured that the website was not only visually appealing but also optimised for conversions.

Furthermore, we implemented innovative tools like VideoAsk and Synthesia to enhance customer engagement and Stonly to improve customer support.


The transformation was a success. Housing Hand saw an increase in their conversion rates, improved customer engagement, and more efficient business operations. The data-driven approach allowed them to make informed decisions that contributed to their growth. The new website, coupled with the efficient CRM system, positioned Housing Hand as a leader in their industry.

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