I’m Ed Dench

About Me.

This is my passion

Get To
Know Me.

“I am a highly creative individual who thrives on thinking outside the box. My unique perspective, fueled by my dyslexia – which I consider to be my superpower – allows me to approach problems from angles others might not see and to find innovative solutions that defy conventional thinking. This ability to think differently is not just a trait; it’s a tool that I wield with precision in my work, enabling me to create digital solutions that are as unique as they are effective.

From tracking a single customer’s proof of presence across multiple venues, to orchestrating multi-million dollar fundraising campaigns, my years of experience have equipped me with a wealth of knowledge. I’m ready to leverage this expertise to help businesses transform their digital landscapes and achieve their goals.”

Practice Makes Perfect

Experienced Digital Transformation Specialist

good to know.

Harnessing dyslexia as a superpower, I think differently to create unique, effective digital solutions.

Work Experience.

I’ve worked with a diverse range of customers, each with unique requirements, all benefiting from my digital expertise.


For a decade, I’ve honed my skills amidst major digital shifts, from social media and IoT to AI. This journey has equipped me with a deep understanding of the digital landscape.

Knowledge is everything

My Skills.

Web Design:
Crafting visually appealing, user-friendly websites that enhance brand identity and improve user experience.
Digital Storytelling
Producing engaging, high-quality content that resonates with audiences and drives brand engagement.
Business Development
Strategising and implementing growth opportunities to increase revenue and market presence.
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Technology Innovation
Leveraging cutting-edge technologies to create solutions that improve efficiency and solve complex problems.
Strategic Marketing
Utilising market insights to develop and execute effective marketing strategies that boost brand visibility and customer engagement.
Data-Driven Decision Making
Expert in gathering, managing, and interpreting data using advanced platforms. Skilled at making strategic decisions based on data insights to drive business growth and efficiency.
Data-Driven Decision Making
Expert in gathering, managing, and interpreting data using advanced platforms. Skilled at making strategic decisions based on data insights to drive business growth and efficiency.
Social Media Management
Building and managing a brand's social media profiles and presence to engage with the audience and expand reach.

more about me


Dive into my interests beyond the digital realm, exploring global travel, audiobooks, culinary adventures, and music.


Former resident of Thailand, I relish exploring different countries and immersing myself in diverse cultures.


Audiobook enthusiast, my top recommendations include “Leaders Eat Last” and “Never Split the Difference.”


A foodie at heart, I enjoy both dining out and home-cooked meals. Ramen is a favourite.


A fan of Disco and Funky House, I DJ with friends under the name Disco Dench.

Let's Get Creative.